The Healthy Landscapes Project

The Healthy Landscapes project targets multiple Village Tank Cascade Systems in the Palugaswewa and Thirappane Divisional Secretariats of the Anuradhapura District. Increased severity of droughts, reduced water holding capacity of tanks, as well as a strong prevalence of vitamin and mineral deficiencies among local communities are some of the many challenges being addressed by the project in these sites. 

Impact at and across levels

The most immediate impact of the Healthy Landscapes project is on the local community- farmers, households, families, women, youth and disadvantaged groups- who depend on the cascade systems for the tangible and intangible needs of their daily lives. 

However, the impact of this project goes beyond the local level. At the national level, scientists, researchers, development practitioners and policy-makers are also among the intended beneficiaries in terms of participation, knowledge generation, networking and partnerships. 

The project also addresses multiple global challenges facing the international community by supporting the realization of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).